Lake Travis' topwater bite is so close to busting wide open! Last night my buddy Justin entered the Texas Tournament Zone's (TTZ) Tuesday night tournament on Lake Travis. It's a fun little tournament that goes from 6:30PM- 10:00PM. For a $40 entry fee you have a shot at winning a couple hundred bucks. Sometimes the big bass pot gets pretty big too making things even more interesting! It usually attracts anywhere from 20-30 boats, and even more when the big bass pot grows. If you are local to Austin and would like to fish at a more competitive level I highly recommend it. Its not a ton of money and you don't need a top of the line tournament rigged bass boat to compete... I see numerous guys in Bass Trackers all the time.
Last night was some fun fishing! I spent the first half hour of the evening going after a big bed fish I knew about. She was still there when I pulled up in the tournament, but the wind had picked up and I could not see her underwater unless she moved up shallow. I wouldn't call it a waste of time, but I didn't end up catching her.
That's ok because our next spot made up for it! The fish are starting to really key in on moving baits and a small Keitech did the trick. Stick with the 4" Easy Shiner... Justin was throwing one of the fat swing impacts and wasn't getting the bites I was. I handed him one of my rods and immediately he started getting bit.
The area we pulled up to had schooling fish that would hit the surface every so often. Make super long casts and cover water when you can't visually see the fish. My advice is to look for areas with very deep water adjacent. Book a trip and I'll show you EXACTLY where to go! haha
We stuck with this pattern and moved to couple different places. We ended up culling about a dozen times until it got dark. After this we decided to hit some of the lighted docks on the lake.
Its been a little while since I have done any night fishing out there, and sadly some of my favorite dock lights were turned off. One in particular that I love was one however and we did a little work there! Justin hooked the big fish of the night off a custom jig that I poured and tied. Once it gets dark slow down your presentation and stay as far away from the lights as you can. I would also advise using something with a larger profile and targeting those bigger fish... this is your best shot at a BIG bass on Travis.
Fishing in Austin is really picking up right now and I can't recommend enough to get out there while the fishing is good and its not crazy hot out. If you are looking for a fishing guide in Austin give me a call and lets get you on the water!
Next week I have several days open and would love to get you out there!
Tight Lines