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Striper Fishing on Lake Travis is Back!!!

Lake Travis Striper fishing

The Striper on Lake Travis have been biting well recently. I have been hesitant to post any reports as I am not a fan of "internet fishermen"... the guys who don't put in the time of work to find fish, rather wait until they hear about the bite before going. Due to this I am not posting this on any social media and have not posted anything on my instagram. For you loyal readers of my reports, you get a sneak peak at the fishing action I've been on!

I have had several Striper trips recently and had one in particular that we landed some BIG fish!

The bite has been sporadic, the fish will be super active one minute, then dead the next. Give it patience and wait them out, they are there and will bite if given enough time.

I had a young client catch an 18.6 pounder and a 17.2 pounder back to back earlier this week. This bite will only improve as the summer gets hotter! I am booking trips now if you would like the change at a PB Striper!... my last 3 Striper trips have all caught their personal bests!

These trips are 5 hours and are $350... that includes live bait and special sets ups just for Striper fishing with line counter reels.

I am the only fishing guide on Lake Travis offering these trips right now, so if you want in on the action give me a call or book online!

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