Quick report on the bass fishing on Lake Travis... the bass fishing is still good by summer standards. Right now the surface temps on the lake are anywhere from 87-90 degrees depending on the time of day and part of the lake. These hot water temps can have a negative effect on fishing, but if you know where to look for the bass you can still put a decent limit in the boat.
I have had several trips this week and all have done well. One in particular was a lot of fun. I had a client named Paul book me for a full day coaching trip. I always enjoy it when I get a client who is good at bass fishing, owns a boat of their own, and just wants to improve their skills. I love opening up and showing them new things in way greater detail what I normally would. I get quite a few clients who have never fished before, or maybe fish once a year off a dock with a bobber. I love these trips too, my passion is bass fishing and I love teaching people about it. But when I get the chance to teach someone who already has a great skill set, can cast well, and knows fishing, it's a blast.
One of the main focuses of the trip was fishing marinas. I feel marinas are under utilized when fishing Travis. There are tons of big marinas on the lake and all of them hold fish... some better than others obviously, but there are fish under them!
We started the day throwing a top water, but didn't get any love on that, so I quickly moved us to a marina. As soon as we pulled in I saw fishing hitting the surface... when you see that its game on. We caught a couple that way, but they were chasing small bait and not that interested in our swimbaits. Not a big deal, there are plenty of other things they will hit. It was at this point we switched to fishing down deeper for them and bam. We hooked a bunch of fish... Notice I say hooked. haha We did land a bunch, but fishing marinas has become increasingly tough with the Zebra mussel problem. You are going to break off fish rubbing against cables and docks covered in those pesky mussels.
Deep ledges are still producing with a drop shot as are shakey heads. I recommend a Stanley Jigs Sidewinder since it stands up right and give off some bubbles as it falls. Its an all around great bait!
As the weather starts to cool as fall gets closer the fishing will pick up. Fall fishing is my second favorite time of year to fish right after Spring. If you would like to book a guided trip give me a shout and let's discuss what you want to learn and what you would like to get out of a trip!
If you are planning a trip of your own sometime soon, check out my older reports. Some of them are a lot more detailed with baits that are still producing. Sometimes I feel I am being repetetive, but there are times during the year, like right now, where conditions don't change too much and the same thing works for a while.
If you are searching for a Lake Travis fishing guide look no further! Give me a ring or hit me up through the message portal on my home page!
Tight Lines