Lake Travis has been getting good! Water temps are finally up there into the lower 60's and the fish have moved up to spawn. I have been catching quite a few fish off beds, so make sure you have your polarized sunglasses!
I recommend looking for coves where the backs of them are not as steep or deep. A lot of coves on Travis are flooded canyons, and while they will hold spawning fish, they won't hold as many. Head about half way into the back of the cove and look for light spots on the bottom of the lake. The male bass use their tails to clean the sediment away and create a bed for the females to lay their eggs on. \
A white jig, a bubblegum trick worm on a drop shot, or a Texas rigged craw style bait all work well to catch these bedding fish. When fishing the drop shot make the tag end about 4-6 inches... much shorter than you normally would fish it. You do not want it to be up above the fish, so make it shorter.

There are also a good number of fish still in that pre spawn stage. Look to points and the bluff walls near them for these fish. Pre spawn bass are ones that have moved up from deeper water down in the creek channels and are transitioning getting ready to move to the backs of the coves.
Texas Rigged craw style baits and brush hogs are great baits to throw. I also recommend a 3/8th or 1/2 ounce football jig to fish these rocky areas.
If you are looking for places to fish in Austin, Lake Travis is an excellent lake to get out on! Now is also a great time to get on the water.
If you are looking for a fishing guide in Austin I would love to take you out! If you are a local angler looking to hone your skills, message me about a coaching trip. For these trips we go into much greater depth and the focus of the trip is education.
Tight Lines!